When organizing a business event, the key to success often lies in your ability to gather valuable information, to understand your guests’ expectations and optimize their experience. Creating an online questionnaire is an essential part of this strategy. Unlike quizzes, which are often used to assess participants’ knowledge, online questionnaires can be used to collect all types of data, thanks to their simple, generally open-ended questions.

That’s where Your Day comes in, to help you create an easy online questionnaire in just a few clicks. Discover 7 tips to help you configure your customized questionnaire!

1. Clearly define your objectives

Start by defining what you want from your online questionnaire. You need to ask yourself what kind of surveys you want to conduct? A marketing survey, a satisfaction survey… It’s up to you!

2. Limit the length of your questionnaire

There’s no need to make your questionnaire too long: 5 to 7 questions maximum are preferable to avoid tiring respondents. The shorter the questionnaire, the more people will want to answer!

3. Write precise questions

Your questions should be simple, understandable at a glance. It’s best to avoid the overuse of adjectives. And make sure you don’t steer them in one direction or another, to give your respondents complete freedom of choice.

4. Give rhythm to your online questionnaire

You can alternate between open and closed questions to give rhythm to your online questionnaire. This will boost participation and make it easier to analyze your results. However, an online questionnaire must be consistent and easy to read, just like any other content. If you’re proposing multiple-choice answers, make sure you keep to the same number of characters each time.

5. Choose the right tool

It’s essential that your online questionnaire works on all media: computer, tablet, smartphone etc. With Your Day, you’ll be able to create questionnaires that adapt to both computer screens and smartphones. So you can reach a much larger number of respondents!

6. Send the questionnaire at the right time

For an online satisfaction questionnaire, it’s best to send it out at the end of a business event or sales meeting, for example. Choose strategic days and times: early morning or late afternoon. Avoid days with special events (public holidays, sporting events, company meetings, etc.).

7. Communicate the results of your online survey

The results of your online survey are often eagerly awaited. So don’t forget to thank respondents for their participation, and share with them the purpose of the online questionnaire. It’s a great way to show them that their responses have been useful and heard!

You now have all the keys you need to create an effective online questionnaire. To create your own now, go to the Module section of Your Day!